Monday, December 06, 2010

Smoking Ribs

I've always enjoyed BBQ food. I mean real BBQ food...not the quick fire gas grill where I can sear a steak in about 8 minutes. I'm talking about the low and slow method of cooking. I'm talking about wood, smoke, beer and an afternoon of music and eating. I've embedded a powerpoint on some ribs that I made over the summer. At the end of the slide show, there is a link to visit slideshare, which was the only way I could embedd the powerpoint on Blogger.

Penne alla Mendon

1 inch chunk of Pancetta (Most Deli’s will have it)
1 Chopped onion
Couple spoons of red sauce (chunky style)
2 Tablespoons of butter
1 Cup of heavy cream
1 Cup of chicken stock
Salt and pepper to taste
Chopped parsley
Grated Cheese (I mixed Reggiano Parmigiano and Romano, but you can use either)


-Cut up the pancetta into small pieces. (If you have big chunks of fat from the pancetta, put it aside without cutting it)
-Toss the pancetta in a pan and cook until it gets brown. (Keep tossing it, so it doesn't stick and burn)
-Once the pancetta has browned, add the onion and sauté…season with salt and pepper. (If the onion looks like it is sticking to the pan, add a little extra virgin olive oil)
-Add a cup of heavy cream with the 2 tablespoons of butter
-Cook over medium heat
-Season it with salt and pepper and add the parsley
-Add the tomato sauce and blend
-Add the chicken stock
**You don't want the cream to boil, but you want it to cook and heat up slowly**
-Add the peas and slowly whisk in the grated cheese until the sauce starts to thicken.
-Toss the pasta and mix together
**Add veal or chicken to the dish** (Cut the chicken or veal into small pieces and add it when you add the onion)
** Before mixing the pasta, cut into the chicken or the veal to make sure it is cooked through**

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pork Roast

After three years, I've finally discovered the rotisserie on my grill. Last night I tried a whole chicken. It came out pretty good, but a little salty. Today I tried a pork roast and I really enjoyed the flavor.

2 lb pork roast
olive oil
1/2 Cup Apple/Grape Juice
1/4 Cup White Wine
1/2 Cup Water
Dry Rub
Drip pan for grill

  1. Start the grill
  2. Prepare the roast
  • Wash the roast and pat dry.
  • Rub roast with olive oil
  • Sprinkle dry rub generously on roast. I usually make my own dry rub, but I cheated today...I used DennyMike's "Sublime Swine" dry rub.
  • Slide the roast onto the rotisserie split rod
  • Place roast in the grill
While the roast is cooking, make the dipping sauce. I also used this to baste the roast. In a small pot bring the wine, juice (I used white grape juice), and water to a boil. Once it boils, take it off the stove and gently pour it over the roast into the drip pan. This can be used to baste the roast every 30 minutes. As the liquid evaporates, it gives the roast added flavor, and it keeps the roast moist. Cook it rotisserie style until an instant read thermometer registers 160. Let the roast stand for 15 minutes before slicing into it. Pour the juice from the drip pan into a small bowl.

Smoked Brisket

My nephew Dante has been asking me to smoke a Brisket. For weeks, I've been hearing, "Uncle, when are we going to smoke a Brisket...